Figure 4. Dimensions of the pore at the entrance of the binding pocket.
The binding pocket of BvHSS variant H296S, subunit A (PDB ID: 4XQE) is represented as a surface-rendered cavity in light blue. Pore-forming α-helix J and the “track-and-trace” loop are shown as cartoon representations. Pore-forming amino acids (Val-93, Glu-117, Tyr-123, and Ser-236) are given in ball-and-stick representations. The two observed alternate conformations A (a,c) and B (b,d) of residues Tyr-123 and Ser-236 effecting the dimension of the pore are shown separately. All given dimensions of the pore for both orientations and alternate conformations were measured in the same plane. All distance measurements were performed with the measurement function implemented in the program PyMOL.