Figure 3. Conformational change occurring in FusB and EF-GC3 upon complexation.
The crystal structures of the apo states are shown in red, with the states present in the complex shown in blue. (a) Conformational change in FusB upon binding to EF-GC3 (structures aligned via the C-terminal domains). (b) Conformational change in domain IV of EF-GC3 upon binding to FusB (structures aligned via the domain IV β-sheet). (c) Conformational change in domain IV–V orientation in EF-GC3 upon binding to FusB (structures aligned via domain IV). The position of domain III in the FusB bound state of EF-GC3 is modelled on the position in the apo state crystal structure, since signal broadening resulted in a lack of data to restrain this domain (see text).