Figure 1. Proteasome inhibition and death induction by pulse treatment and single injection of MRZ in vitro and in vivo.
(a,b) LN18 GBM cells were treated with 100 nM MRZ or BTZ for the times indicated in the figure. After that time, the drug was removed, wells were washed with PBS, and fresh media was added until a total time of 24 h had elapsed before measurement of chymotrypsin-like proteasome activity (a) or 48 h had passed before assessment of DNA fragmentation (b). *p < 0.05, NS = not significant. (c) Levels of p27 in lysates from the tumor-bearing portion of the brains of mice with orthotopic brain tumors that developed for 7 days before single IP injection with 1.0 mg/kg BTZ or 0.15 mg/kg MRZ 24 h before sacrifice. (d) Densitometry quantification of individual mice from (c) (DMSO and BTZ, N = 2 mice; MRZ, N = 3 mice).