Figure 5. VAMP2-pHluorin and vGlut-pHluorin-containing vesicles labeled with pHrodo-GNBs undergo repeated rounds of exocytosis at the presynaptic nerve terminal of hippocampal neurons.
Hippocampal neurons (14–17 days in vitro) transfected with either VAMP2-pHluorin (A,B) or vGlut-pHluorin (C,D) were loaded with pHrodo-GNBs during a 2 min high K+ stimulation. Neurons were left to recover for 12–15 min prior to a second stimulus during which a time-lapse movie was acquired (30 mM KCl or NaCl as control). (A,C) Representative nerve terminals prior to the second KCl stimulus and 400 s following the stimulus. Enlargements show the response of a representative nerve terminal to the second stimulation over time. Scale 5 μm. (B,D) Normalized fluorescence of nerve terminals loaded with pHrodo-GNBs in cells transfected with VAMP2-pHluorin (n = 5) (B) or vGlut-pHluorin (n = 4) (D) in response to KCl or NaCl. Data are plotted as mean ± sem.