Figure 2. Spatial cognitive performance in developing rats and undergraduate students exposed to Mozart music and retrograde Mozart music.
(A) Rat studies: The results from the Morris water maze test of learning and memory ability on PND 28, PND 56 and PND 98 are shown. Although all of the rats from the three different groups showed a decrease in escape latency to find the hidden platform, the rats exposed to Mozart music exhibited a faster learning curve than the other two groups. Additionally, the Mozart music group (MG) spent a significantly longer amount of time in the target quadrant compared to the other two groups. N = 15 per group. (B) Human studies: Both the improvement in the MG and the deterioration in the retrograde Mozart group (RMG) were significantly different from the control group (CG). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean (S.E.M.). *MG vs CG; ★ RMG vs CG; ☆ MG vs RMG. *, ★ and ☆ represent P < 0.05; **and ☆☆ represent P < 0.01. N = 20 per group.