(A, E) Control hDPCs and (I, M) hDPCs treated with 10 mM NAC showing a well preserved morphology. (B-D, F-H) Following 24 h dental monomer treatment (1mM HEMA, 5mM MMA or 1mM TEGDMA), some cells showed nuclear and cytoplasmic signs of apoptosis (condensed/peripheralized nuclear chromatin and/or cytoplasm, cytoplasmic vacuolization). Larger and elongated mitochondria (black arrow) with impaired mitochondrial membrane integrity (white arrow), reduced number of cristae and deformed cristae (wedged) could be observed. (J-L, N-P) The presence of 10 mM NAC restored cell and mitochondrial morphology. Although larger and elongated mitochondria (black arrow), and deformed cristae (wedged) could still be observed, the structural integrity of mitochondrial membrane was preserved.