Fig. 6.
E. coli O157:H7 shedding following intranasal vaccination compared to intrapretoneal immunization. Mice in test or control groups were orally gavaged with 1010 CFU of E. coli O157:H7, and bacterial fecal shedding of each mouse was detected during three weeks. The reliable detection limit of plating was 100 CFU/0.1 mg fecal samples. Test 1, intranasal immunized mice with electrosprayed nanoparticles chitosan rEIT; Test 2, intranasal immunized mice with electrosprayed TMC-rEIT nanoparticles; Control 1, mice administrated with chitosan alone; Control 2, mice administrated with non-electrosprayed chitosan-rEIT; Control 3, intraperitoneally immunized mice with rEIT adjuvanted by Freund's adjuvants; (P<0.05).