Table 2. Proximate composition (g/100 g) and salt content (%) of reduced-salt, reduced-fat frankfurters with glasswort hydrate.
Parameters | Control1) | RSF | GM | GC | GI | GS |
Moisture | 61.97±0.63b | 68.34±0.2.58a | 68.57±1.07a | 68.55±1.46a | 68.31±0.23a | 68.76±0.72a |
Protein | 14.71±0.85bc | 14.08±0.18c | 14.34±1.45c | 14.72±0.93bc | 16.29±1.07ab | 16.83±1.09a |
Fat | 20.38±1.88a | 14.21±0.62b | 12.15±1.25b | 12.73±2.23b | 12.92±2.01b | 12.88±1.94b |
Ash | 2.36±0.04b | 1.89±0.11d | 2.04±0.05c | 2.86±0.12a | 2.03±0.07c | 2.10±0.11c |
Salt content | 1.73±0.08a | 1.09±0.01b | 1.17±0.04b | 1.21±0.01b | 1.20±0.08b | 1.14±0.08b |
All values are mean±standard deviation of three replicates.
a-dMeans within a row with different letters are significantly different (p<0.05).
1)Control, frankfurter formulated with 1.5% salt and 20% back fat; RSF, reduced salt, reduced-fat frankfurter with 1% salt and 10% back fat; GM, GC, GI and GS, reduced salt, reduced-fat frankfurter with 1% salt, 10% back fat and 10% glasswort hydrate (GM, glasswort hydrate containing carboxy methyl cellulose; GC, glasswort hydrate containing carrageenan; GI, glasswort hydrate containing isolated soy protein; GS, glasswort hydrate containing sodium caseinate).