Figure 2. Pol II pausing does not correlate with gene expression in human cells.
Pol II pausing was analysed in breast cancer MCF-7 cells by ChIP-sequencing after precipitation with anti-Pol II antibody (Samarakkody et al. 2015). The list of 7302 genes with Pol II enrichment (Samarakkody et al. 2015) was sorted by promoter Pol II enrichment or by gene expression signal, which was obtained from our analysis of RNA-sequencing data in MCF-7 cells combined from accession numbers SRR787327 and SRR787328 (Vanderkraats et al. 2013), SRR805877(Yamamoto et al. 2014b), SRR882016 (Jin et al. 2013), and SRR925723(Daemen et al. 2013). Numerical ranks for Pol II pausing and mRNA levels of two individual genes previously analysed by us (Samarakkody et al. 2015) are indicated.