Figure 7. Retinal wholemounts stained for GFAP (red) and vimentin (green) demonstrate both Müller cells and astrocytes in preretinal glial structures.
(A-C) GFAP+ and vimentin+ cells are observed in glial sprouts above a normal astrocyte template and Müller cell endfeet (asterisks). (D-I) In larger glial blooms and membranes, most cells are double-positive. Some cells/processes (arrow) have only GFAP while others (asterisk) have only vimentin. (J-L) A wholemount cross sectioned demonstrates staining of Müller cells with vimentin (green) and astrocytes with GFAP (red). Some lighter GFAP staining is seen in some Müller cells. The membrane above the Müller cell endfeet is double-positive. Scale bars indicate 40 μm.