Figure 7. Visual stimulation changes some cell properties.
(A–C) Visual stimulation increased the spikiness of stage 49 cells in response to step current injections (A), increased spike threshold potential (B), and decreased membrane capacitance of tectal cells (C). (D) A survey of cell properties that significantly changed either during development (red filled markers), in response to visual stimulation (blue hollow circles), or to neither variable (small black markers). Properties that changed both in development and after stimulation are shown as red markers with blue circles surrounding them. The position of each marker on the plot is defined by the share of variability explained by developmental stage or visual stimulation, presented as η2 effect size value, and taken with a sign that reflects the direction of the change. Properties that did not change significantly are labeled by their number (see 'Materials and methods' or Supplementary file 3 for the full list). (E) Projection of cells from visually stimulated s49 animals (black) into PCA space defined by the analysis of naïve dataset, with naïve cells from s48-49 animals shown in blue. Shading shows estimated density kernels for respective groups.