Protein expression analysis of E15.5 wild-type
(+/+), heterozygote (Jf/+) and homozygote (Jf/Jf) lungs. Equal amounts of protein lysates were subjected to PAGE, transferred and probed with antibodies against FBXO11 (A), p21 (B), PAI-1 (C), MMP-2 (D), BCL-6 (E), CDT2 (F) and SET8 (G). RAW 264.7 whole-cell lysate was used as a positive control for all of the antibodies except for MMP2, where middle ear effusion lysate was used, and for CDT2, where adult mouse spleen lysate was used. Graphs show comparisons of the western blots for each antibody after normalizing with an anti-actin antibody. The results presented in the graphs are from three independent experiments for all the antibodies except for p21, where four independent experiments were used to present the data. Bars: standard error of mean (s.e.m.). *P<0.05.