Fig. 4.
Targeted overexpression of CALef1 induces ectopic foxj1a and ectopic Cilia. (A, B) CAlef1 mRNA (100 pg) was injected into 1-cell staged embryos. Ectopic foxj1a expression was observed (arrow in B). (C-H) CAlef1 mRNA (100 pg) was injected into a single cell at the 128-cell stage of embryos. Embryos with an induced ectopic protrusion were collected at 10 to 14 somites (D-G) and 21 somites (H). The ectopic protrusion contained ectopic expression of foxj1a (arrow in D) and dnah9 (arrow in H), and ectopic structures positive for anti-acetylated α-tubulin antibody staining (E, indicated by a dotted box, 5× magnification; amplified in F, 20× magnification). α-tubulin staining (green) was adjacent to γ-tubulin staining (red) (G). Shown are images taken from dissected and flattened protrusions (E,F) and JB-4 sections of the protrusions (G). Scale bars: 20 µm in F and 10 µm in G.