TreeMix (Pickrell and Pritchard 2012) hierarchical clustering analysis of the Q1 (Bedouin), Q2 (Persian-South Asian), and Q3 (African) and the 1000 Genomes Project samples. Shown is a maximum-likelihood tree of population splits inferred without subsequent migration events, in which branch lengths estimate divergence between populations (Europeans in shades of purple: CEU, FIN, GBR, IBS, TSI; East Asians in shades of brown: CHB, CHS, JPT; Africans in shades of orange: LWK, YRI, with the Q1 [Bedouin] in red, Q2 [Persian-South Asian] in azure, and Q3 [African] in black). When allowing from one to five migration events in separate TreeMix analyses, none of the admixture loops connected the Q1 (Bedouin) with any African populations (Supplemental Fig. 10), consistent with the Q1 (Bedouin) having no recent African admixture.