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. 2016 Jan 27;9:29. doi: 10.1186/s13071-016-1311-1

Table 2.

Subset of data extraction table –five of 112 studies shown (full table in Additional file 3)

Reference Publication Year Country MDA Year(s) Disease Drugs delivereda Method of delivery Sampleb Compliance rate Reasons for non-compliance Predictors of compliance (y/n)c Notes on metrics/definitions
[31] 2008 Nigeria 1996–2004 RB IVM Community 4800 surveyed 49.96 % overall participation n/a No Presented as ‘coverage’ yet discussed as ‘participation’
[32] 2007 Sri Lanka 2003 LF DEC + ALB Community 4358 surveyed 71.4 % Taking other medication (3.1 %), felt they did not need them (3.2 %), had forgotten to consume them (1.1 %), worried about adverse effects (0.8 %) No Compliance: those who consumed drug over eligible population
[34] 2013 India 2008 LF DEC Community 571 eligible 42.3 % No motivation (24.7 %), drugs not supplied (22.5 %), absence at home (13.5 %), no faith (10.1 %), fear of side effects (10.1 %) and others: Forgotten, lack of prior IEC etc. (7.8 %), illness (7.3 %), wrong information (3.9 %) No Compliance: consumption of drug among those who received drug; defaulter: did not consume drug, or partially consumed drug, or those who were not supplied the drug by the drug distributors
[30] 1991 Liberia 1987–1989 RB IVM Community 1987: 13,704; 1988: 13,977; 1989: 14,110 1987: 96.8 % (56.2 % of total pop); 1988: 96.6 % (57.7 % of total pop); 1989: 98.4 % (70.9 % of total pop) n/a No Referred to as ‘those who accepted treatment’ using eligible population as denominator
[53] 2006 India 2001–2003 LF DEC/DEC + ALB Community unspecified MDA rounds 1–3 consumption rate: 34.9 %, 39.8 %, 41.7 % (of total population); 35.5 %, 40.3 %, 42.4 % (of eligible); 46.9 %, 51.7 %, 50 % (of drug recipients) MDA rounds 1–3: not necessary (31.8 %, 52.9 %, 42.9 %), fear of side reactions (24.6 %, 20.7 %, 30.1 %), treatment for other diseases (8.9 %, 4.4 %, 11.3 %), no opinion/no response (19.2 %, 2.5 %, 6.5 %), partial consumption (6.6 %, 4.4 %, 5.6 %), others (8.9 %, 15.1 %, 3.6 %) No Referred to as consumption rate and presented in terms of total population, of eligible population, and of those who received drug

asome studies may involve combinations of drugs (i.e. DEC + ALB) yet refer to only one drug (i.e. DEC) in the paper; the table includes only those drugs specifically named in the studies

bwhen available, the surveyed/interviewed population was taken as the sample; otherwise, eligible or total study population was taken

conly when statistically supported