Fig. 1.
Bcr-Abl domains and the targeting regions of the binding domains. Numbering indicates amino acidresidue location of each domain in Bcr-Abl (asterisk indicates approximate location). CCmut3 binds the coiled-coil domain, DBI binds the DHPH domains, RINI binds the SH3/SH2 domains, and ABI binds the ABD. CC = coiled-coil domain, S/T kinase = serine/threonine kinase domain, DH #x003; Dbl homology domain, PH = pleckstrin homology domain, SH3 = Src homology 3 domain, SH2 = Src homology 2 domain, Y kinase = tyrosine kinase domain, DBD = DNA binding domain, ABD = actin binding domain, CCmut3 = coiled-coil mutation set 3, RINI = Abl binding domain from RINI, DBI = DHPH binding iDab, ABI = ABD binding iDab, Red P = phosphorylation site.