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. 2016 Jan 27;12(1):e1004697. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004697

Table 3. Comparison to the bound form of the poses obtained by (I) unbound docking, then (II) chain-propensity filtering, then (III) 3Å-clustering and chain-propensity filtering.

I. Docking poses (top 5%) II. Filtered poses III. Clustered poses
Hits a Near-hits a Total min RMSD Hits Near-hits Total min RMSD Close-hits a Total min RMSD
1B7F frag1 0 405 1×106 2.7 Å 0 0 7863 5.3 Å 1 242 5.5 Å
frag2 0 1461 1×106 2.7 Å 0 24 7863 4.6 Å 4 242 5.3 Å
frag3 100 15093 1×106 1.1 Å 0 190 7863 3.9 Å 5 242 4.8 Å
frag4 144 21305 1×106 1.5 Å 0 751 7863 3.4 Å 40 242 3.4 Å
frag5 11 1816 1×106 0.9 Å 0 75 7863 3.6 Å 9 242 3.7 Å
frag6 0 0 1×106 5.0 Å 0 0 7863 7.9 Å 0 242 8.0 Å
total 255 40080 1×106 0 1040 7863 36 242
chain b 266 10064 5.7 Å
1CVJ frag1 5 66 6×105 1.3 Å 5 6 3268 1.3 Å 7 334 1.4 Å
frag2 5 1906 6×105 0.9 Å 5 23 3268 0.9 Å 25 334 1.2 Å
frag3 11 12581 6×105 1.7 Å 0 259 3268 2.0 Å 25 334 3.7 Å
frag4 5 1496 6×105 0.8 Å 1 23 3268 1.5 Å 16 334 3.5 Å
frag5 1 61 6×105 0.9 Å 1 3 3268 0.9 Å 6 334 3.5 Å
frag6 0 28 6×105 2.4 Å 0 0 3268 7.1 Å 0 334 7.1 Å
total 27 16138 6×105 12 314 3268 50 334
chain b 266 10064 5.7 Å

a Hits, near-hits and close-hits correspond to poses with RMSD < 2 Å, < 5 Å and < 6 Å respectively.

b Chains are formed by 5 fragments.