Fig. 8.
Chromatin-modifying proteins identified in nuclear fractions of rat IMCD cells. The list includes all protein identified in this study with molecular function or biological process terms containing the word “histone” and not the word “binding.” In the histone “acetylation” category, only the 30 most abundant are listed; the remainder (in order of abundance) are Mcrs1, Brd4, Cdyl, Tada3, Ing3, Brd1, Kat8, Tex30, Mbip, Ing4, Kat5, Kansl3, Myog, Kansl2, Taf1, Mgea5, Brd8, Brpf3, Kat6a, Epc1, Sap130, Phf20, Brpf1, Brca2.