Figure 2. Protein CoPhMoRe screen.
(a) Heat-map of the normalized response of the joint peak of the (9,4) and (7,6) SWCNT chiralities to the various proteins. The SWCNT and proteins concentrations were 1 mg l−1 and 20 μg ml−1, respectively. (b) The normalized emission intensity response (I−I0)/I0, where I and I0 are the final and initial fluorescent intensities, respectively, of DPPE-PEG(5000)-SWCNT versus the protein parameters: molecular weight, relative hydrophobic surface area and isoelectric point. The black arrows point to the fibrinogen data points. (c) The normalized emission intensity response of the various SWCNT suspensions to fibrinogen versus the relative surface coverage. The black arrow points to the DPPE-PEG(5000) data point. Each value represents the average of three replicates. (d) Illustration of the possible fibrinogen—SWCNT interaction. The fibrinogen surface is coloured according to the hydrophobicity of each amino acid ranging from white (hydrophilic) to red (hydrophobic).