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. 2016 Jan 28;9:510. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00510

Table 1.

OXTR and AVPR polymorphisms associated with social and pathological behaviors.

Trait Gene Polymorphism studied Species/Ethnicity Associated Genotype or Haplotype Behavioral phenotype Brain/Biological phenotype Interactions with other gene or variable References
Aggression AVPR1b rs35369693 147 Europeans, 10 African Canadians, 2 East Asians, and 18 of mixed ethnicity C allele Increased aggression Haplotypes with rs28676508 Zai et al., 2012; Luppino et al., 2014
Autism AVPR1a RS1 Irish Short allele Autism Increased activity in the left amygdala in a non-clinical sample Possibly reduced transcription of AVPR1A Tansey et al., 2011
Autism AVPR1a RS1; RS3 94 Caucasian, 7 African-American, 8 Asian-American and 6 Hispanic (17 females) RS3 In linkage disequilibrium in autism (not significant after bonferroni correction) Kim et al., 2002
Autism AVPR1a RS1; RS3 and AVR Not specified (n = 128 probands, 3 females) AVR Transmission desequilibrium in autism; Moderate linkage desequilibirum and association with some scores related to autism Haplotypes involving alleles of the three polymorphisms Yirmiya et al., 2006
Autism OXTR rs2254298 and rs53576 57 Caucasian trios rs2254298 G Overtransmited in autism Phenotypic heterogeneity Haplotypes with an as yet unidentified susceptibility variant Jacob et al., 2007
Autism OXTR rs2254298, rs53576, rs237893, rs237894, rs237911, rs237901, rs810568, rs2228485 195 Chinese Han family trios (21 females) rs2254298 A and rs53576 A; haplotypes involving rs53576 Displayed a preferential transmission in Autism Wu et al., 2005
Autism AVPR1b rs2254298, rs53576, rs237893, rs237894, rs237911, rs237901, rs810568, rs2228486 89 Swedish, 89 Belgians in the patients sample (122 females); 88 Swedish and 89 Belgiansin the control sample (117 females) G allele for s3 in Swedish sample; G allele for s5 in the Belgian sample; A-T-C-A-G Haplotype in both samples Recurrent major depression; Overrepresented in controls; Overrepresented in controls Ethnicity Van West et al., 2004
Depression OXTR rs2254298 92 Caucasian adolescent girls Heterozygous Highest levels of symptoms of depression, physical and social anxiety, if they presented history of maternal depression Maternal history of recurrent major depressive disorder Thompson et al., 2011
Depression OXTR rs2254298 Not specified (first cohort composed of 1983 pregnant females) G Homozygous Overrepresented in depressed mothers and families (including fathers) Lower salivary OXT Apter-Levy et al., 2013
Depression OXTR rs53576 (G/A) 413 Caucasian, 18 Asian, 5 Maori/Pacific Islander, 2 Aboriginal and 1 other (261 females) A Carriers Higher depressive symptoms if mother has been depressed Association between maternal depression in early childhood and youth depressive symptoms in adolescence Thompson et al., 2014
Depression OXTR rs53576 (G/A) 167 White, 34 Black, 23 Asian, 17 Arab, 16 South Asian, 6 South East Asian, 4 Latin American, 17 other (213 females) G Carriers Increased depressive symptomatology if suffered childhood maltreatment Childhood maltreatment McQuaid et al., 2013
Depression OXTR rs53576 (G/A) 128 White female G Carriers More emotionally sensitive (lower self-esteem) in response to social ostracism Altered blood pressure and cortisol levels following rejection for G homozygous McQuaid et al., 2015
Depression OXTR rs53576; rs2254298 99% Caucasians (71% females; n = 268) No association found Antidepressant treatment resistance, response or remission Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), was associated with antidepressant treatment resistance Mendlewicz et al., 2012
Depression OXTR rs53576 43 clinically depressed and 42 healthy female subjects Exon 1 and 2 methylation patterns Decreased methylation state were associated with depression Regulate DNA methylation throughout the whole genome, depending on early environment Specific genotypes can regulate DNA methylation Chen et al., 2015
Empathy OXTR rs2268491; rs2254298 Non-clinical Chinese subjects (46 males, 55 females) CT higher than CC; CT higher than TT Cognitive empathy Gender- dependent Wu et al., 2012
Empathy OXTR rs237887; rs4686302 Non-clinical Chinese subjects (46 males and 55 females). A Carriers; T carriers Higher Emotional empathy Gender-dependent Wu et al., 2012
Empathy OXTR rs53576 (G/A) 35% Caucasian, 41% Asian, and 24% others. (n =192) G Homozygous Lower levels of dispositional stress reactivity, exhibit greater empathy Lower heart rate reactivity to a startle anticipation task Rodrigues et al., 2009
Empathy OXTR rs53576 (G/A) No specified (n = 1532) G Homozygous; A Homozygous Greater in-group bias in implicit attitudes; Less motivation to reduce out-group member pain Higher ACC and SMA activity; Higher NAc activity Luo et al., 2015a
Empathy OXTR rs53576 (G/A) Chinese students (n = 1536, 710 females) G Homozygous Showed a stronger association between empathy and interdependence Insula, amygdala and superior temporal gyrus Associated with racial in-group Luo et al., 2015b
Harm avoidance OXTR rs53576 (G/A) Chinese Han (n = 290, 154 females) A Homozygous Increased harm avoidance Smaller amygdala volumes bilaterally Reduced resting-state functional coupling between the prefrontal cortex and amygdala bilaterally in females Gender- dependent Wang et al., 2014
Neuroticism OXTR rs53576 (G/A) Chinese Han (n = 82, 45 females) G Carriers; AA MPI neuroticism scores correlated with DAT and OXT interaction (AA) Lower striatal DAT availability; Negative correlation between DAT availability and OXT levels in G carriers Chang et al., 2014
Prosocial Behavior AVPR1a RS1 and RS3 Non specified (n = 203, 101 females) (n = 15 for post mortem studies) Long (327–343 bp) alleles Larger allocations in a dictator game and higher scores in self-reported altruism scales Increased mRNA hippocampal levels Knafo et al., 2008
Prosocial Behavior OXTR rs53576 (G/A) 108 European - Americans males G Homozygous Higher trust behavior Krueger et al., 2012
Schizophrenia AVPR1a RS3 Russians (291 patients, 49% females; 302 control group, 59% females) 327 bp allele Schizophrenia's negative symptoms; facial affect recognition Golimbet et al., 2015
Schizophrenia (Attention) AVPR1a RS1; RS3 Non specified (n = 113, 75 female) Long alleles (>325 bp) Promoter repeat region in partially molding social behavior in both animals and humans Greater levels of prepulse inhibition Gender (stronger association in male) Levin et al., 2015
Stress OXTR rs53576 (G/A) White (74.9%), Black (8.92%), Hispanic (8.92%), and other (52.3% female) A carriers; G Homozygous Increased Post traumatic symptoms in negative social environment, independently of economic stress; Elevated post traumatic symptoms in negative social environment if economic stress exists Economic stress Thompson et al., 2011
Stress OXTR rs53576 (G/A) 173 European participants, 15 mixed, and 6 “other.” All males G carriers Attenuated anticipatory stress response if they received social support Lower cortisol responses under stress after social support Social support Chen et al., 2011
Stress OXTR; AVPR1a rs53576; RS1 37% Asian-American, 2% African-American, 23% European-American, 16% Latin American, 7% mixed ethnicity and 15% other. (n = 172, 60% females) G Homozygous; 320 bp Women with higher poststressor OXT levels reported more positive affect feelings; Men with high levels of poststressor AVP reported more anger and hostility feelings Gender and poststressor levels of OXT and AVP Moons et al., 2014