Figure 2. Ingestion of IMQ leads to systemic type I IFN activation, but can be prevented by Elizabethan collars.
Mice were treated with Aldara (IMQ) and blood and spleen were isolated 4 hours after application. One group wears ECs, preventing oral uptake of IMQ. (a) Relative expression of Mx1, Usp18, and TNF in spleen 4 hours after treatment. (b) Using Luminex technology, IFNα (left) and IFNβ (right) were measured in serum 4 hours after treatment. Bars represent mean ± SEM and qPCR data are normalized to the stable reference genes; n = 6 per group EC: Elizabethan collar; white bar = without EC, without IMQ; black bar = without EC, with IMQ; dotted bar = with EC, with IMQ.