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. 2016 Jan 28;6:19899. doi: 10.1038/srep19899

Table 2. Summary of total the number of genes significantly up- or down-regulated (Up-/Down- all), and those responsive to specific VOCs in E. coli’s transcriptome (Up-/Down- specific).

Sample Up-all Down-all Sum-all Up-specific Down-specific Sum-specific % Up-all % Down-all % Sum-all % Up-specific %Down specific % Sum specific
B 430 249 679 25 12 37 10.39 6.01 16.40 3.68 1.77 5.45
CHP 324 388 712 33 37 70 7.83 9.37 17.20 4.63 5.20 9.83
CP 403 494 897 87 64 151 9.73 11.93 21.67 9.70 7.13 16.83
DMA 261 123 384 4 1 5 6.30 2.97 9.28 1.04 0.26 1.30
DMS 274 120 394 7 3 10 6.62 2.90 9.52 1.78 0.76 2.54
NMP 445 406 851 71 21 92 10.75 9.81 20.56 8.34 2.47 10.81
NMS 506 568 1074 113 147 260 12.22 13.72 25.94 10.52 13.69 24.21
T 418 223 641 39 17 56 10.10 5.39 15.48 6.08 2.65 8.74

Sum: Sum of Up- and Down- regulated genes per treatment. “%-all” indicates the percentage of DE genes out of the 4140 locus tag analyzed, “%-specific” indicates the percentage of DE genes specific to the VOC out of the sum of DE genes of the particular VOC treatment [e.g. % Up-specific = “Up-specific”/“Sum-all” x 100].