Figure 2.
SSA suppressed the formation of (B27-HC)2. (A) Western blot analysis of (B27-HC)2 extracted from PBMCs from a representative AS patients before and after SSA treatment. Lane 1: 50 µg membrane proteins before SSA treatment; Lane 2: 50 µg membrane proteins after SSA treatment for two months; Lane 3: 50 µg membrane proteins after SSA treatment for four months. Internal control: transferrin receptor; (B) SSA treatment reduced the production of (B27-HC)2 (p < 0.05 by Wilcoxon signed rank test). Based on the results of Figure 2A, the level of (B27-HC)2 on PBMCs from a single AS patient before SSA treatment was set at 100%. For each AS patient, the percent of (B27-HC)2 after SSA treatment was compared with that before SSA treatment. Data were obtained from six AS patients.