Figure 2.
PDT of the thoracic cavity reduces total tumor mass. 2-(1-hexyloxyethyl)-2-devinyl pyropheophorbide-a (HPPH; Photochlor®)-PDT at the indicated fluence rates and drug doses was delivered to the tumor-bearing murine thoracic cavity to a total dose of 50 J/cm. Tumor burden was measured 4 days after PDT. Controls (Cntrl) include animals that were untreated, received illumination (but no photosensitizer) at the fluence rate corresponding to the PDT condition, or received photosensitizer (but no illumination) at the photosensitizer dose corresponding to the PDT condition. Controls behaved similarly and were therefore pooled for analysis. Plots show the mean ± SD (error bars) for each group. n = 8–27 animals per group. * indicates p < 0.05 for comparison to control.