Table 1.
Identified social support person and impact on behaviors.
Individual | How/Why They Impact Drinking | How/Why They Impact Birth Control |
Mother | Keeps woman focused on other things and supports. She doesn’t drink/doesn’t like drinking and gets mad. |
Reminds her to avoid unplanned pregnancy Will drive her to appointments. |
Older female relatives/female elder | Dislikes drinking and worries about woman. Talks about consequences and keeps her focused. |
Reminds her about birth control. Supports woman no matter what. |
Young female relative (sister, cousin) | Don’t drink as much or at all (against drinking). Provide encouragement and confidence to be sober. |
Reminds of difficulty of having children. Go with/remind about birth control appointment. |
Boyfriend/male partners | He doesn’t drink/don’t buy alcohol for participant. Positive support and supports alternative activities. |
Go with to appointment for support. Talk about birth control options. |