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. 2015 Dec 22;13(1):13. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13010013

Table 1.

A list of variables used in the exploratory regression model.

Measure Description Data Source Years of Data
Premature death Years of potential life lost before age 75 per 100,000 (age-adjusted) National Center for Health Statistics—Mortality files 2010–2012
Poor or fair health % of adults that report fair or poor health (age-adjusted) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2006–2012
Poor physical health days Average # of reported physically unhealthy days per month Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2006–2012
Poor mental health days Average # of reported mentally unhealthy days per month Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2006–2012
Low birthweight % of births with low birth weight (<2500 g) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2006–2012
Adult smoking % of adults that reported currently smoking Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2006–2012
Adult obesity % of adults that report BMI ≥ 30 CDC Diabetes Interactive Atlas 2011
Food environment index Indicator of access to healthy foods—0 is worst, 10 is best USDA Food Environment Atlas, Map the Meal Gap 2012
Physical inactivity % of adults that report no leisure-time physical activity CDC Diabetes Interactive Atlas 2011
Access to exercise opportunities % of the population with access to places for physical activity Business Analyst, Delorme map data, ESRI & US Census Tigerline Files 2010 & 2013
Access to recreational facilities % of recreational facility access per 100,000 USDA Food Environment Atlas, Map the Meal Gap 2008
Limited access to healthy foods % of people with limited access to health foods USDA Food Environment Atlas, Map the Meal Gap 2008
Fast food restaurants % of restaurants that are fast food restaurants USDA Food Environment Atlas, Map the Meal Gap 2008
Binge drinking % of adults that report binge drinking Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2006–2012
Alcohol-impaired driving deaths % of driving deaths with alcohol involvement Fatality Analysis Reporting System 2009–2013
Sexually transmitted infections # of Chlamydia cases per 100,000 National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention 2012
Teen birth rate # of births per 1000 female population ages 15–19 National Center for Health Statistics—Mortality files 2006–2012
Uninsured adults % of adults ages 18–64 without insurance Small Area Health Insurance Estimates 2012
Primary care provider rate # of primary care physicians per 100,000 Area Health Resource File/American Medical Association 2012
Mental health providers Ratio of population to mental health providers CMS, National Provider Identification File 2014
Preventable hospital stays # of hospital stays for ambulatory-sensitive conditions per 1000 Medicare enrollees Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2012
Diabetic screening % of Diabetic Medicare enrollees receiving HbA1c test Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2012
Mammography screening % of female Medicare enrollees ages 67–69 having at least 1 mammogram in 2 years Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2012
High school graduation Calculated averaged freshman graduation rate, supplemented w/National Center for Education Statistics 2011–2012
High school graduation Graduation rate (Cohort or Averaged Freshman), supplemented w/National Center for Education Statistics 2011–2013
College degrees % of adults ages 25–44 with some post-secondary education American Community Survey 2009–2013
Unemployment % of population age 16+ unemployed and looking for work Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013
Children in poverty % of children under age 18 living in poverty Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates 2013
Income inequality Gini coefficient of household income inequality American Community Survey 2009–2013
Inadequate social support % of adults that report not getting social/emotional support Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2006–2012
Single-parent households % of households that are single-parent households American Community Survey 2009–2014
Violent crime rate # of violent crimes per 100,000 Uniform Crime Reporting—FBI 2010–2012
Homicide rate # of homicides per 100,000 (age-adjusted) Uniform Crime Reporting—FBI 2000–2006
Injury deaths # of deaths due to injury per 100,000 CDC WONDER mortality data 2008–2012
Age Different Mother Age intervals U.S Census Bureau 2010
Race Different Racial/Ethnic groups U.S Census Bureau 2010
Air pollution-particulate matter days # of days that air quality was unhealthy due to fine particulate matter CDC WONDER environmental data 2011
Air pollution-ozone days # of days that air quality was unhealthy due to ozone CDC WONDER environmental data 2011
Daily fine particulate matter Average daily PM2.5 CDC WONDER environmental data 2011
Drinking water safety % of population in violations Safe Drinking Water Information System 2013–2014
Severe housing problems Calculated averaged freshman graduation rate Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data 2007–2011
Driving alone to work % of people who drive alone to work American Community Survey 2009–2013
Long commute-driving alone Among workers who commute in their car alone, the percentage that commute more than 30 min American Community Survey 2009–2013

Data Source: County Health National Data available at