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. 2015 Dec 22;13(1):13. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13010013

Table 2.

Estimates of multivariate linear regression model for low birthweight. Nine influential predictors were consistently present in all of the six models and were able to explain low birthweight outcomes in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.

Variable 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Overall Model 2010–2014
Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient
Percent of low birthweight 8.255 6.115 10.28 12.009 8.974 9.745
(16.702) ** (9.753) ** (17.224) ** (18.45) ** (21.42) ** (23.107) **
Ambulatory care sensitive conditions discharge rate 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.009 0.005
(3.871) ** (2.746) * (5.832) ** (3.333) ** (7.322) ** (4.867) **
Teen births rate 0.041 0.042 0.030 0.039 0.026 0.029
(17.743) ** (13.496) ** (13.007) ** (14.556) ** (9.843) ** (11.877) **
Percent of adults 18–64 without insurance −0.071 −0.044 −0.086 −0.103 −0.074 −0.083
(−11.137) ** (−5.107) ** (−12.926) ** (−14.393) ** (−9.343) ** (−11.167) **
Percent of adults that report BMI ≥ 30 −0.091 −0.071 −0.039 −0.049 −0.042 −0.066
(−7.985) ** (−4.558) ** (−4.295) ** (−5.063) ** (−4.274) * (−6.826) **
Mentally unhealthy days per month 0.092 0.125 0.075 0.133 0.051 0.139
(2.505) * (2.28) * (2.914) ** (5.321) ** (2.09) ** (5.402) **
Age-adjusted years of potential life lost rate 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(13.171) ** (9.648) ** (21.889) ** (13.398) ** (19.507) ** (22.248) **
Percent of White −0.024 −0.019 −0.042 −0.051 −0.054 −0.048
(−6.914) ** (−3.98) ** (−16.492) ** (−20.026) ** (−20.41) ** (−19.113) **
Percent of Native Americans −0.058 −0.027 −0.116 −0.139 −0.136 −0.122
(−8.285) ** (−2.837) ** (−19.505) ** (−21.984) ** (−22.855) ** (−23.033) **
Percent of Hawaiian or Pacific Islander −2.274 −2.265 −1.929 −1.831 −1.943 −2.008
(−5.37) ** (−3.715) ** (−4.361) ** (−3.93) ** (−4.109) ** (−4.957) **
Percent of Diabetic receiving HbA1c test 0.008 0.021 −0.018 0.024
(3.396) ** (7.894) ** (−3.294) ** (−4.156) **
Crude motor-vehicle related mortality rate −0.025 −0.031 −0.007 0.016 −0.019
(−7.981) ** (−7.01) ** (−2.356) * (4.443) ** (−5.508) **
Percent of single-parent households 0.022 0.030 0.032 0.026
(5.042) ** (6.165) ** (6.544) ** (4.154) **
Chlamydia (STD) rate 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
(4.083) ** (3.194) ** (4.681) ** (5.143) **
Percent of multi race −0.137 −0.110 −0.111 −0.104
(−3.695) ** (−2.66) ** (−2.794) ** (−2.763) **
Percent of children living in poverty −0.014 −0.020 −0.019
(−2.447) * (−2.427) * (−3.147) **
Percent of black 0.053 0.067
(11.355) ** (10.718) **
Physically unhealthy days per month 0.114 0.160
(3.319) ** (3.097) **
Age-adjusted homicide rate 0.033 −0.037
(3.707) ** (−2.366) *
Percent of other race −0.05 −0.080 −0.058
(−3.072) ** (−4.163) ** (−3.843) **
Percent of Hispanic 0.016 0.020 0.024
(2.371) * (2.901) ** (4.025) **
Freshman graduation rate 0.004
(2.271) *
Percent ZIP Code with a healthy food outlet −0.004 −0.003
(−2.764) ** (−1.938) *
Days with unhealthy Fine particulate matter −0.024
(−2.012) *
Days with unhealthy ozone −0.014 −0.013
(−2.889) ** (−2.284) *
Percent of adult who smoke 0.012
(2.679) **
Primary Care Physicians rate 0.003
(2.802) **
Violent crimes rate 0.000 −0.001
(−2.014) * (−3.803) **

* t-statistic is statistically significant at p < 0.05; ** t-statistic is significant at p < 0.01; and upper and lower values represent the coefficient and t-statistic, respectively.