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. 2016 Jan 12;13(1):121. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13010121

Table 2.

Socio-demographic characteristics of child respondents (N = 92).

Variables Freq. (%) Variables Freq. (%) Variables Freq. (%)
Gender Mother’s age Value People in Household Value
Boy 35 (38.0%) Mean 35.98 Mean 5.11
Girl 57 (62.0%) SD 7.17 SD 1.60
Age Mother’s marital status # of TVs at Home
9 21 (22.8%) Single, never married 13 (14.1%) 0 1 (1.1%)
10 50 (54.4%) Married 60 (65.2%) 1 9 (9.8%)
11 21 (22.8%) Living with partner 7 (7.6%) 2 22 (23.9%)
Grade Divorced, widow, separated 11 (12.0%) 3 + 60 (65.2%)
4th 43 (46.7%) Other 1 (1.1%)
5th 49 (53.3%) Mother’s employment Number of cars per household
Ethnicity Employed for wages 39 (42.4%) 0 5 (5.4%)
Hispanic 76 (82.6%) Self-employed 6 (6.5%) 1 33 (35.9%)
Don’t know 16 (17.4%) Out of work for more than 1 year 5 (5.4%) 2 42 (45.7%)
Country Born Our of work for less than 1 year 6 (6.5%) 3 + 12 (13.0%)
US 75 (81.5%) A homemaker 33 (35.9%) Weight Status a
Mexico 12 (13.0%) A student 1 (1.1%) Obese or overweight 53 (57.6%)
Central America 3 (3.3%) Retired 1 (1.1%) Normal or underweight 39 (42.4%)
Missing 2 (2.2%) Unable to work 1 (1.1%) BMI Value
Guardians Mother’s education Mean 21.69
Mom only 15 (16.3%) Elementary to 6th 15 (16.3%) SD 5.53
Dad only 0 (0.0%) 7th–8th 12 (13.1%) BMI z-score Value
Mom and Dad 70 (76.1%) 9th–12th 45 (48.9%) Mean 0.90
Parent and Step-parent 6 (6.5%) College degree or higher 15 (16.3%) SD 1.21
Missing 1 (1.1%) Vocational/technical 5 (5.4%)

a obese or overweight = at or above the 85th percentile of body mass index (BMI) values; Normal or underweight = less than the 85th percentile of BMI values.