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. 2016 Jan 15;13(1):130. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13010130

Table 4.

Results of full model assessing associations between environment characteristics by buffer size and average daily minutes of MVPA outside of school hours during weekdays (n = 435).

Variables Regression Coefficients by Buffer Size
500 m a 800 m b
B. p-Value B. p-Value
Age (years) 0.097 0.918 0.160 0.853
Sex (base: boys)
   Girls −4.779 0.015 −4.973 0.007
Siblings (base: only child)
   Has sibling(s) 5.933 0.027 6.496 0.027
   Prefer not to answer 2.858 0.507 3.207 0.430
Mode of travel (base: active)
   Inactive −11.202 0.000 −11.255 0.000
Median family income in CAD (10-3) 0.033 0.496 0.021 0.696
Open space park: #/km2 −0.824 0.135 −0.060 0.956
Park with sports field: #/km2 0.929 0.016 2.653 0.020
Park with playground: #/km2 −1.721 0.070 −3.088 0.184
Park with more than one unique feature: #/km2 −2.645 0.063 −3.966 0.090
Distance to nearest recreational facility c: km −2.094 0.102 −1.607 0.175
Distance to nearest school c: km 1.116 0.661 0.146 0.949
Land use mix (×101) 0.002 0.998 −0.558 0.539
Multi-use path: m2 (10-3) 1.407 0.018 0.584 0.031
Road connectivity: # of intersections/km2 0.042 0.280 0.035 0.636
Constant 32.898 0.038 34.318 0.024

Notes: Table entries expressed as B values (unstandardized regression coefficients); a R-squared = 0.1695; b R-squared = 0.1675; c Street-network based measures.