FIG 2.
(A) Viscosity measurements of the exopolysaccharide shed from wild-type (RC2-wt), mutant (RC2-all2Δ), and reconstituted (RC2-all2Δ+PACT1-ALL2) strains grown for 14 days in minimal medium. Shed capsular polysaccharide of the all2Δ mutant was less viscous. The all2Δ mutant had increased sensitivity to H2O2 in vitro, as documented by incubating 105 or 106 RC2-wt, RC2-all2Δ, and RC2-all2Δ+PACT1-ALL2 cells in DMEM with 5 mM H2O2 for 3 h and quantification of the percent survival (B) and by spotting 5 μl on YPD agar (C). (D) Killing assays were performed by lysing murine macrophages 3 h or 6 h after coincubation and plating the CFU. all2Δ cells were more sensitive to macrophage killing, consistent with their increased sensitivity to H2O2 in vitro. (E) The phagocytosis index determined at 2 h after coincubation was significantly higher in macrophages incubated with RC2-all2Δ cells than in macrophages coincubated with RC2-wt or RC2-all2Δ+PACT1-ALL2 cells. Intracellular phagocytosis index was calculated by visually counting cells on a microscope. All experiments were performed in triplicates. An asterisk denotes a P value of ≤0.05.