Sex |
Female: 13/Male: 11 |
Female: 10/Male: 12 |
0.768 |
Female: 23/Male: 23 |
Diagnostic Group |
Obst. CF: 8 |
Obst. CF: 4 |
0.497 |
Obst. CF: 12 |
Obst. Non-CF: 12 |
Obst. Non-CF: 13 |
Obst. Non-CF: 25 |
Restrictive: 4 |
Restrictive: 5 |
Restrictive: 9 |
Age (Years) |
49.54±2.54 (95%CI: 44.64–54.66) |
51.11±2.85 (95%CI: 45.44–56.62) |
0.689 |
50.29±1.93 (95%CI: 46.27–53.95) |
ICU Length of Stay (Days) |
8.46±2.06 (95%CI: 5.19–13.26) |
7.77±1.87 (95%CI: 4.68–11.86) |
0.811 |
8.13±1.39 (95%CI: 5.81–11.02) |
Total Length of Stay (Days) |
21.54±2.20 (95%CI: 17.96–26.54) |
25.41±3.42 (95%CI: 19.63–33.36) |
0.347 |
23.39±2.06 (95%CI: 19.91–27.74) |
Ischemic Time for 1st Lung (Mins) |
241.25±15.86 (95%CI: 211.00–274.90) |
242.05±21.45 (95%CI: 202.68–286.68) |
0.977 |
241.63±13.30 (95%CI: 218.33–269.50) |
Ischemic Time for 2nd Lung (Mins) |
352.75±19.24 (95%CI: 314.62–391.64) |
336.41±21.91 (95%CI: 295.19–382.23) |
0.577 |
344.93±14.87 (95%CI: 316.86–372.67) |
Patient Death by end of follow-up |
Alive: 17/Dead: 7 |
Alive: 19/Dead: 3 |
0.289 |
Alive: 36/Dead: 10 |
Donor Status |
After cardiac death: 7 |
After cardiac death: 9 |
0.538 |
After cardiac death: 16 |
After brain death: 17 |
After brain death: 13 |
After brain death: 30 |
Donor pO2 (mmHg) |
431.92±21.97 (95%CI: 384.60–471.50) |
462.77±13.62 (95%CI: 436.35–491.41) |
0.259 |
446.67±12.70 (95%CI: 420.96–472.85) |