FXRα2 improves hepatic lipid handling in vivo. (A–L) Adenovirus-mediated FXRα1 and FXRα2 gene delivery to Fxr−/− mice liver. (A) Experimental design and FXR protein levels in liver determined by western blot. (B–H) Box plots of body weight (B), liver weight (C), liver/body weight ratio (D), blood glucose (E), plasma TAG (F), liver TAG (G), and plasma β-OHB (H) levels in Fxr−/− following FXRs gene delivery. (I–L) Gene expression analysis by qRT-PCR of genes involved in bile acid metabolism (I), lipolysis (J), FA transport and catabolism (K) and lipogenesis (L). Bars depict mean values and error bars represent SEM (n = 5–6). *p < 0.05 compared to control (GFP) or between the indicated groups.