Figure 2. Inhibitors tether hydrophobic residues in two structurally labile regions.
(a,b) Top (left) and side views (middle) for JNJ-2408068 (a) and JNJ-49153390 (b) bound to RSV F. Each RSV F protomer is a different color (tan, pink and green), and hydrophobic side chains are shown with transparent molecular surfaces. Inhibitors are shown as ball-and-stick representations with carbon atoms colored in cyan, nitrogen atoms in blue, oxygen atoms in red, bromine atoms in dark red and sulfur atoms in yellow. At bottom are 2Dligand-interaction diagrams generated in Molecular Operating Environment; A, Band Crefer to the green, tan and pink protomers, respectively. Bonds with RSV F main chain and side chain atoms are shown as blue and green dashed lines, respectively, and an ionic interaction is shown as a purple dashed line. When present, arrowheads point toward the acceptor.