Fig. 2.
E− embryos have impaired behavior compared to E+ embryos when assessed using a locomotor response assay. Embryos were analyzed in 96-well plates, one embryo per well with 128 embryos per diet condition. Locomotor activity following a series of light/dark stimuli (one stimulus every 3 min for 24 min total) was measured as movement (mm) over time (seconds); criteria for statistical significance between conditions was an area-under-curve (AUC) difference of >30% and p<0.05 (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). At 96 hpf, E- embryos (red) were 82% less responsive to the light than were E+ embryos (blue) (E- AUC:459; E+ AUC:2468; p<0.01). Dead or malformed embryos were removed prior to data analysis (apparently normal embryos: n=54 E−; n=94 E+). The abnormal behavioral response in the E− embryos is indicative of underlying perturbations in neurological processes, as there were no observed differences in swimming behavior between E− and E+ conditions to suggest motor impairments in the former. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)