eTable 3. Glossary.
Term | Meaning in context of guideline |
Relatives | Synonym: Family members |
Palliative medicine | Synonyms: Palliative management. palliative care. palliative and hospice care. Aims to improve or maintain the quality of life of patients with an incurable disease and their relatives. Palliative medicine affirms life and sees dying as a natural process; it neither hastens nor postpones death. Palliative medicine and palliative care are used as synonyms in this guideline and both terms are understood in a broad sense. Palliative medicine is not reduced to the medicinal or medical component but interpreted broadly in the sense of multiprofessional palliative care. Despite the different ways in which palliative and hospice care have developed in Germany. they should be seen as a common approach or common attitude. Hospice care is rooted in civic involvement. Paid staff and volunteers work together in multiprofessional teams to offer a care package that aims to satisfy the needs and honor the wishes of each individual patient in a dignified. peaceful. and calm environment. |
Generalist palliative care (GPC) | There is as yet no uniformly accepted definition of GPC. However. the new guideline presented here describes for the first time the tasks involved and defines the scope of GPC and SPC services within palliative medicine. Some of the characteristics of aspects of care that fit into the category of GPC are as follows:
Specialist palliative care (SPC) | Some of the characteristics of aspects of care that fit into the category of SPC are as follows:
Specialized outpatient palliative care (SOPV) | In the guideline. the written-out term “specialized outpatient palliative care” means services agreed by the guideline group and based on both clinical experience and evidence from studies that in some aspects (e.g.. definition of complexity) go beyond the definition of §§ 37b. 132d of the German Civil Code (GCC) V. In the context of the guideline. the abbreviation “SOPV” refers only to the care stipulated by law. |
Dying phase | The last 3 to 7 days of life |
Advance care planning | Synonyms: Comprehensive care planning. health care planning for the final phase of life according to § 132g GCC V-E; describes a systematic. interprofessionally accompanied communication and implementation process between the patient. the relatives. and the persons involved in the patient’s treatment. The aim is the best attainable accommodation of the individual preferences of the patient and his or her relatives with regard to treatment goal. treatment decisions. and priorities in the remaining period of life. e.g.. with regard to how and where the patient lives. where he or she dies. and the form taken by care. This goes beyond the concept of an advance care directive. |
(Source: German S3 Guideline on Palliative Care of Adult Patients With Incurable Cancer [2])