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. 2015 Oct 13;28(2):147–159. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2015.1080794

Table A1. Factors associated with the presence of depressive symptoms in univariate logistic models (CRF).

  Univariate logistic model
Odds Ratio [95% Conf. Interval] p>t
Educational degree: high school vs middle school/elementary .57 .37 .87 .010
Education degree: university vs middle school/elementary .37 .20 .70 .002
Educational degree: unknown vs middle school/elementary .59 .19 .83 .365
Male vs female .58 .38 .89 .014
Unemployed/occasionally employed vs employed/self-employed 3.93 2.22 6.96 .000
Other status vs employed/self-employed 1.56 .92 2.64 .098
Duration of infection: 12–59 months vs <12 months 2.56 .71 9.27 .152
Duration of infection: 60–119 months vs <12 months 3.07 .84 11.20 .089
Duration of infection: >120 months vs <12 months 3.48 1.00 12.16 .050
CD4: 200–350 cell/mm3 vs <200 cell/mm3 1.02 .40 2.56 .973
CD4: 351–500 cell/mm3 vs <200 cell/mm3 .93 .40 2.16 .862
CD4: >500 cell/mm3 vs <200 cell/mm3 .79 .36 1.73 .554
RNA: 50–1000 copies/ml vs <50 copies/ml 1.15 .68 1.97 .597
RNA: >1000 copies/ml vs <50 copies/ml 1.13 .62 2.05 .692
HBV: yes vs no 1.38 .67 2.84 .379
HBV: unknown vs no 3.09 1.29 7.41 .012
HCV: yes vs no 2.31 1.46 3.64 .000
HCV: unknown vs no 2.71 1.20 6.12 .017
Hepatic cirrhosis: yes vs no 13.96 3.75 51.89 .000
Neoplasia: yes vs no 1.24 .54 2.86 .605
Previous diagnosis of depression: yes vs no 3.80 1.92 7.51 .000
AIDS events: yes vs no 1.05 .67 1.65 .832
Interferon therapy: yes vs no 1.48 .37 5.85 .580
Previous use of drugs: yes vs no 2.50 1.60 3.91 .000
Previous use of alcohol: yes vs no 4.27 1.84 9.90 .001
Adherence to ARV therapy .98 0.91 1.05 .499
Mode of transmission: other vs sexual transmission 1.20 .52 2.76 .665
Mode of transmission: drug use vs sexual transmission 2.57 1.61 4.11 .000
Family size : >=1 vs 0 .49 .24 1.00 .051
Therapy failures: 1 vs 0 1.74 .93 3.26 .084
Therapy failures: >1 vs 0 1.61 1.00 2.58 .050
Therapy failures: unknown vs 0 .70 .32 1.52 .369
Use of drugs: yes vs no 6.78 2.34 19.64 <.001
Use of alcohol: yes vs no 2.88 .83 10.03 .097
Smoking: never smoked vs smoker .55 .35 .87 .010
Smoking: ex-smoker vs smoker .82 .47 1.43 .479