Figure 6:
(A) Measurements of haemoglobin saturation (sO2) with the i-STAT system vs. control sO2 calculated by the Tucker method. (B) The relative error of i-STAT sO2 measurements, δsO2 (expressed as a %), [calculated as: (i-STAT sO2 − control HCO3−)/control sO2 × 100] vs. control sO2. Continuous lines represent the fitted models and dashed lines represent the lines of identity. (C) Effects of temperature (in °C), Hct (L, low; H, high) and PCO2 (in mmHg) on δsO2 (expressed as a %). Significant effects within treatments are indicated as ‘*’ at the P < 0.05 level. Data are means ± SEM, and statistical analysis was performed on the absolute δsO2 values.