Figure 6.
Scatterplot of behavior improvement (%Recovery) versus change in DFL representational area in PMD (left graph), PMV (middle graph), and the combined premotor cortex area (PMD+PMV; right graph). There was a strong association between better behavioral recovery and larger DFL areas in the intact premotor cortex. Monkeys illustrated in Figure 5 are indicated on each of the scatterplots (“A”, “B”, and “C”); note that monkey A (CS/RT subject) had good recovery and larger DFL maps, monkey B (CS/RT subject) had poorer recovery and smaller DFL maps, and monkey C (RT subject) was intermediate between A and B. %Recovery (x-axis) is defined as the amount of performance improvement (post-infarct minus post-therapy) divided by the total deficit (post-infarct minus pre-infarct). Change in area (y-axis) is defined as post-therapy DFL map area minus baseline DFL map area; thus negative values indicate a reduction in DFL area in post-therapy maps. Data is plotted for the 12 monkeys (5 RT, black circles; 7 CS/RT, gray circles) for which complete behavior and mapping results were available (see Methods). Linear curve fit added to graphs for visual clarity after statistics were obtained by correlation analysis.