Figure 1.
Estradiol (via ERα) and DHT attenuate the NK3R-induced increase in KNDy neuron firing frequency. A–G, Representative raw current traces from KNDy neurons before (left panels) and during (right panels) acute treatment with the NK3R agonist senktide (10 nM) in the various groups as labeled. Variable current amplitudes reflect small changes in pipette position during the recording and do not provide information about changes in cell function. H, Firing frequency of individual KNDy neurons during control period (con) and senktide (SK) treatment. Open circles show data from individual cells, filled circles show means, and lines between open circles connect data from the same cell; * marks differences within groups (P < .05), Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test; # marks differences among groups (P < .05), Friedman two-way repeated-measures ANOVA with Bonferroni's multiple comparisons test.