Figure 1.
Gsα deficiency in the VMH does not affect energy balance. A, Left panel, Representative images of in situ hybridization for Gsα mRNA (above) and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining (lower panels) of VMH (indicated with arrows and dashed outlines) from control (left panels) and VMHGsKO mice (right panels). Scale bar, 100 μm. Hybridization with a sense Gsα riboprobe produced no significant signal (not shown). Right panel, Quantification of VMH Gsα mRNA expression as percentage of control (n = 5/group). *, P < .05. B–E, Body weight curves (B and D) and body composition (C and E) of male and female VMHGsKO mice and their control littermates on RD (B and C) and HFD (D and E). F and G, Food intake (F) and resting (REE) and total energy expenditure (TEE) at ambient (23°C) and thermoneutral temperature (30°C) (G) measured in male control and VMHGsKO mice maintained on a HFD for 2 months (n = 7–18/group).