Figure 3. JCV index changes in JCV+ patients.
(A) Increasing JCV index values of 201 JCV+ natalizumab-treated patients with multiple sclerosis at the beginning and end of a period of observation of 14.8 months (mean: 2.046 vs 2.158; p = 0.009). (B) Age (in years) and JCV index value of 1,921 natalizumab-treated patients with multiple sclerosis. Overall, there is a strong rise in index values by age (Spearman r: 0.113; p < 0.0001) but no rise in the index values of JCV+ patients (Spearman r: 0.0001; p = 0.996) or patients who converted to JCV seropositivity during treatment with natalizumab (Spearman r: 0.0257; p = 0.907). (C) Change of JCV index values of 201 JCV+ patients during natalizumab treatment in % (index value at the end of the period of observation/index value at the beginning of the period of observation × 100). Mean rise in index values was 15.9% in 14.8 months. One hundred sixty-one of 201 patients (80%) presented with stable index values (±30%), 34 patients (17%) presented with increasing index values, and 6 patients (3%) with decreasing index values. JCV = John Cunningham virus.