Trial-to-trial comparison of activated areas with fMRI and OICa2+. (A) The red contour line shows the overlap between activated areas with two stimulations (black and gray contours) for the same odor (i.e., MV across two trials) for fMRI and OICa2+ for the same subject (see Figure 4). The percent of activation overlaps are on the bottom left and right corners for left and right OBs. (B) The statistics of the activation overlaps within measuring modalities for every experiment are shown as mean and SD. The left (L), right (R) and the whole (W) OB data are shown. For MV, the overlaps were 80.9±13.1%, 76.3±5.24%, 78.6±8.9% with fMRI and 91.3±9.4%, 76.3±21.3%, 88.8±12.7% with OICa2+. For EB, the overlaps were 79.5±12.1%, 78.7±16.8%, 79.1±14.1% with fMRI and 90.6±7.6%, 72.9±25.1%, 81.7±13.6% with OICa2+.