Figure 7.
Transcriptional expression analysis of DMC-hiPSCs. (A) Scatter plots comparing the DNA microarray analysis data between DMC-iPSCs and parental DMCs (top) and between DMC-hiPSCs and human ES cells (KhES1) (bottom). The diagonal lines indicate twofold changes between the two samples, and the Pearson's coefficients are shown in the scatter plots. Red dots indicate data from probe sets for characterizing undifferentiated stem cells (see Table 1). (B) qRT-PCR analysis of X (inactive)-specific transcript (XIST) gene expression in female cells. Data are presented as the value relative to parental DMCs or DFBs. (C) Methylation-specific PCR was performed to examine the methylation status of the XIST promoter. The PCR products were specific for the methylated (M) or unmethylated (U) genome.