Figure 7.
Effect of deleting regions of fibulin-5 on kinetics of coacervation and maturation of the elastin polypeptide (EP). (A) Domain structure of wild-type fibulin-5 (WT) and the fibulin-5 deletions tested (adapted from ref 15). Shaded regions are EGF domains; hatched region is fibulin domain; EBD is elastin binding domain. (B) Effects of wild-type fibulin-5 (WT) and deletion mutations, as indicated, on change of absorption with time. (C) Effects of fibulin-5 deletions on coacervation velocity (Vc) and maturation velocity (Vm). In all cases, the concentration of elastin polypeptide was 6.25 µM and the molar ratio of elastin polypeptide/fibulin-5 was 1.0/0.04. Mean ± SD; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01 vs elastin polypeptide alone; ††, p < 0.01 vs elastin polypeptide/WT.