Figure 5.
Phloem-specific complementation of the S deficiency mutant phenotype. A to J, Mutant, wild-type, and complementation lines were grown in Hoagland medium containing 10 µm sulfate. Mutant plants were complemented by expressing the wild-type alleles under their own (MM and DD) or the companion cell-specific SUC2 promoter (SM and SD). A and B, Habitus of mti1-1, Ws, MM, and SM plants (A) or dep1-1, Col, DD, and SD plants (B). C and D, Inflorescence height of mti1-1, Ws, MM, and SM plants (C) or dep1-1, Col, DD, and SD plants (D). E and F, Siliques of mti1-1, Ws, MM, and SM plants (E) or dep1-1, Col, DD, and SD plants (F). G and H, Silique number and length of mti1-1, Ws, MM, and SM plants (G) or dep1-1, Col, DD, and SD plants (H). Siliques were grouped into four categories (0–0.4 cm, 0.5–0.9 cm, 1–1.4 cm, and >1.4 cm). Bars represent mean values and standard errors calculated with data from five plants per genotype. I, Mature seeds of SM and Ws plants. J, Mature seeds of SD and Col plants. Bars = 1 cm in A, B, E, and F and 500 µm in I and J.