Figure 8.
Effects of RR on CML38-YFP and RBP47-CFP colocalization. Confocal images from z-stacks of three 0.2-µm N. benthamiana leaf epidermal sections cotransfected with CML38:YFP (CML38) and RBP47:CFP (Rbp47), and merged images show the colocalization of RBP47-CFP and CML38-YFP. Granule formation was induced by 30 min of hypoxia treatment, and then RR was applied as described in “Materials and Methods.” T0 represents the starting time before RR was applied (−RR), while T4 and T9 mark the treatment in minutes after the RR application (+RR). The PC value for each time point is shown on the right. Bars = 10 µm.