Figure 1. Localization and structure of OsSWEET2b.
a, OsSWEET2b-EGFP localizes to the vacuolar membrane in yeast. b, Transport activity of OsSWEET2b was examined by a liposome uptake assay. Glucose uptake is shown as bars in blue. Liposomes with OsSWEET2b showed elevated glucose uptake compared with control liposomes without protein. Mutation of two putative pore-lining asparagine residues abolished transport activities (±SEM, n=4). Fructose uptake is shown as bars in grey (±SEM, n=3). c, Membrane topology diagram of OsSWEET2b. TM4 and THB1 constitute the N-terminal domain (NTD) while THB2 forms the C-terminal domain (CTD). d, Ribbon representation of the OsSWEET2b protomer. THB1 is coloured in blue, THB2 in green, and TM4 in yellow. e, Slab view of OsSWEET2b in an inward (cytoplasmic) open conformation. Surface is coloured according to electrostatic potential.