Partial diplotypes of the IGHV locus, as determined for nine individuals. Only functional IGHV genes are shown. Rarely identified genes with published rearrangement frequencies of <0.5% (IGHV3-13, IGHV3-20, IGHV1-24*01, IGHV4-30-2, IGHV3-43, IGHV1-45, IGHV1-58, IGHV3-64, IGHV3-66, IGHV3-72, IGHV3-73, and IGHV1-f) are also omitted (22). IGHV4-59 and IGHV4-61 are also omitted as these genes could not be distinguished with certainty in all individuals. Alleles are color-coded as shown in the key. Where a gene that was present in the genotype could not be identified in a haplotype with certainty, it is indicated as “?.” Where a gene or allelic variant was known to be present in a genotype but insufficient sequences were available to allow confident haplotyping, no data are recorded. Ambiguities (e.g., *01 or *02) are indicated by vertically split cells, and duplications are shown by horizontally split cells. Apparent deletion polymorphisms are shown as gray cells and are marked “D.”