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. 2016 Jan 13;7:10356. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10356

Table 1. Data collection and refinement statistics (molecular replacement).

Data collection
 Space group P1
 Cell dimensions
  a, b, c (Å) 46.40, 85.18, 127.99
  α, β, γ (°) 89.20, 79.57, 90.02
 Resolution (Å) 50–1.76 (1.79–1.76)
Rmerge 0.042 (0.532)
II 30.9 (2.2)
 Completeness (%) 95.9 (78.1)
 Redundancy 2.61 (2.5)
 Resolution (Å) 1.76 (1.78–1.76)
 No reflections 182443 (4351)
Rwork/Rfree (%) 19.5 (30.3)/22.8 (31.9)
 No atoms
  Protein 12621
  MYR/EDO/TRS/zinc/chlorine 60/260/16/18/3
  Water 810
 B-factors (Å2)
  Protein 33.2
  C14nef5 49.9
  Water 36.6
 R.m.s. d.
  Bond lengths (Å) 0.008
  Bond angles (°) 1.11

EDO, 1,2-ethanediol; MYR, myristic acid; R.m.s.d., root-mean-square deviation; TRS, 2-Amino-2-hydroxymethyl-propane-1,3-diol.

Data were collected from a single crystal.

*The Highest resolution shell is shown in parentheses.