Figure 4. Pbvit knockout affects blood- and liver- stage growth of P. berghei.
(a) Double crossover strategy for pbvit knockout and genotyping of the Pbvit− transgenic clonal line by PCR. Lane 1, detection of knockout construct integration at the 5′ end (primers a+b, 1.38 kb); lane 2, knockout construct integration detection at the 3′ end (primers c+d, 1.23 kb); lane 3, wt pbvit locus (primers e+d, 1.45 kb). (b) Parasitemia of C57Bl/6J mice following infection (i.v.) with 104 wt P. berghei or Pbvit− iRBCs, determined by counting of iRBC in Giemsa-stained blood smears (N=10 for wt P. berghei-infected mice and N=5 for mice infected with Pbvit− A2 or D1). (c) Survival of C57Bl/6 J mice infected i.v. with 104 wt or Pbvit− iRBC (N=20 for wt P. berghei-infected mice and N=10 for mice infected with Pbvit− A2 or D1). Median survival was 7 and 9 days for wt and Pbvit−, respectively, P<0.01, log-rank Mantel–Cox test. (d) Parasite liver load 6 and 45 h after i.v. injection of wt or Pbvit− sporozoites, assessed by reverse transcription PCR measurement of parasite 18s RNA expression, normalized to mouse hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, shown are fold expressions relative to the average of controls–wt P. berghei (shown is the pool of two independent experiments). (e) Number of EEFs per mm2 of livers 45 h after infection with 50,000 wt and Pbvit− sporozoites. Each point represents an average number of EEFs per mm2 per mouse liver by counting the number of EEFs in 5–8 slices per liver (shown is a pool of two independent experiments, in total 795 wt EEFs and 210 Pbvit− EEFs were counted). (f) Size of liver EEFs determined by measuring the PbUIS4 surrounded area by ImageJ in confocal images of liver sections. The mean±s.e.m. size of wt and Pbvit− EEFs was 728±25 (N=58) and 629±23 (N=46) μm2, respectively. In b,d,e and f error bars represent s.e.m. and the asterisks denote significant differences using the two-tailed, unpaired Student's t-test: *P<0.05; **P <0.01 and ***P<0.001.